- The first version of this site was founded in 1999. It offered an almost comprehensive survey of sites devoted to the ancient Greek language.
- The pioneering character of the site was acknowledged by several other site-owners and was often recommended as "start site":
- A wonderful collection of international resources (Academic.info)
- provides an excellent electronic gateway to the study of Ancient Greek (Webnexus)
- une remarquable liste, particulièrement bien commentée, de tout ce qu'offre la Toile en matière de langue et de grammaire du grec ancien. Cet outil de travail de premier ordre constitue le portail d'entrée indispensable sur le sujet et nous dispense de citer ici d'autres ressources (Bibliotheca Classica Selecta)
- parcours très complet de ce qu'on peut trouver en grammaire grecque sur le Web (Carnet d'adresses en langues anciennes)
- This site offers a sweeping view of internet resources for the study of ancient Greek, both classical and koine. A description, often quite detailed, of each site is provided, along with a three-star rating system (Toowise educational resources)
- The best single source for information about online resources for students of ancient Greek … Students and autodidacts should be ecstatic to have such a knowledgeable guide. I found this site accidentally and far too late. It would have made the lives of many students much easier if I could have referred them to it. In short, bookmark this site and visit often (ClassicalMyth.com)
- In 2010, Professor Marc Huys and founder of the site passed away.
- In 2011, a new version of the portal was launched. Between 1999 and 2011, the information offered on the internet exploded. This new version differs from the previous one in that it
- offers only selective links (less is more)
- offers a firmer structure

Prof. Marc Huys †, founder of the site